
Get Involved

Want to network, learn, and make a difference? You can make the most of your membership by engaging in multiple CREFC initiatives in community, education, industry development, and policy. Our members shape best practices and CREFC positions on issues through our Forums, and joining a forum is the best way to connect with professionals in your own area of expertise, from issuers to investors. Our Women’s Network is dedicated to furthering the role of women in the industry and hosts events throughout the year. The Young Professionals Network furthers the career development of those with less than 10 years’ experience within the industry. You can also engage with CREFC by submitting articles, sponsoring an event, or mentoring other professionals. Explore the links below to see how you can engage with CREFC.

Explore Your Opportunities

NCREIF/CREFC Open-End Debt Fund Aggregate
NCREIF has teamed up with the Commercial Real Estate Finance Council (CREFC), a trade association dedicated exclusively to the commercial real estate finance industry and committed to promoting strong and liquid debt markets across platforms, to prod
Submit a Document/Link
Share your knowledge with the industry. Submit a document or link to the Resource Center.
CREFC holds two premier conferences each year in the United States and other meetings held regularly throughout the calendar year. Find our calendar of events here.
Sponsorship Opportunities
If you want to elevate your company???s profile, products, and services within the commercial real estate industry, sponsorship with CREFC is the right option.
Young Professionals
The Young Professionals Network provides CRE finance industry professionals with the needed tools and resources to fulfill educational and career development goals.
CREFC Finance World
Submit an article to CRE Finance World.
Shape policy and industry best practices with your peers. CRE Finance Council Forums are market constituencies that drive the global commercial real estate finance industry.
DEI Portal

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CREFC offers industry participants an unparalleled ability to connect, participate, advocate and learn!
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