Federal Housing Finance Agency Releases 2024 Scorecard

February 5, 2024

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) released its 2024 Scorecard for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and their joint venture, Common Securitization Solutions (CSS) LLC, on Jan. 30. CSS, a joint venture owned by the GSEs, facilitates the issuance of the largest segment of MBS, the Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security.

According to FHFA Director Sandra L. Thompson:

“The 2024 Scorecard focuses the Enterprises on effective risk management to ensure safety and soundness while meaningfully advancing equitable and sustainable access to homeownership and rental housing."


The Scorecard focuses on:

Promoting equitable access to affordable and sustainable housing, including:

  • Ensuring all borrowers and renters have equitable access to sustainable long-term affordable housing opportunities, including efforts that further energy efficiency, resiliency, and cost savings in the mortgage process;
  • Considering the impact of the above efforts on all geographies, including rural areas as defined under Duty to Serve; and
  • Managing new multifamily purchases to remain within the multifamily cap requirements, including an expanded focus on workforce/moderate-income housing. (See here for CREFC’s summary on the multifamily caps.)

Operating the GSEs in a safe and sound manner:

  • Ensuring the GSEs are resilient to operational, market, credit, counterparty, economic, and climate risks; and
  • Transferring a meaningful amount of credit risk to private investors in a commercially reasonable and safe and sound manner, reducing risks to taxpayers; and
  • Ensuring CSS operates in a safe and sound manner in support of GSE securitization activities.
Please contact Sairah Burki (sburki@crefc.org) or David McCarthy (dmccarthy@crefc.org) with any questions.


Sairah Burki
Managing Director, Regulatory Affairs

David McCarthy
Managing Director, Head of Policy

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