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Note that online registration is now closed. Please contact Janie Lam to register. On-site registration will also be available - please bring a business card and form of payment with you.

The CRE Finance Council’s Annual D.C. Symposium will be on held November 21, 2019 at the Sphinx on K at Franklin Square.

Regular Registration Rates:
$275 - Member Registration
$350 - Non-Member Registration

Young Professional* Rate:
$125 - Members - Available to CREFC Members Only
*To register at the Young Professional rate, you must be approved prior to registering for the conference. Please apply here for the Young Professional status and note that to be eligible you MUST be 30 years of age or less. You will receive a confirmation e-mail within two business days once approved and will be able to register at the discounted rate at that time.

Academic Member** Rate:
$125 - Members
**To register at the Academic Member rate, you must be approved prior to registering for the conference. Please apply here for Academic Membership and note that you MUST be a full time student or professor. You will receive a confirmation e-mail within two business days once approved and will be able to register at the discounted rate at that time.

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